Break the ceiling! (Kenny le Roux)
We have to be a people willing to share the grace of God wherever He tells us to. We need to develop a heart that invites people to come and meet Jesus. That is why we exist as Christians and the church – to represent Jesus well, and to share the Kingdom Message. We need to be His voice; we need to be what He wants us to be; outside of the Sunday morning meetings and our prayer meetings and the things we do so that we can hear God. We need to make a difference in our sphere of influence. We need to be unconventional, ‘out of the box’, even a bit crazy and wild when bringing people to Jesus – just like Jesus was.
We have a message: a Gospel of Good News. Jesus cares. Jesus loves. Jesus wants to help people and He wants a relationship with them.
Kenny brings a great message about the 4 crazy friends in Mark 2 who literally tore the roof off of a house to get their friend to Jesus. Jesus is right there…just waiting for you to break the ceiling like those 4 crazy friends!